
Foldables Galore

Foldables are a great way to add visual features to students' notebooks and their reading and writing projects, as well as enhancing content area learning.
They provide a kinesthetic component and act as a learning or study aid for any subject matter.  Research shows a significant increase in the students’
attitude toward a discipline when foldables are used as an instructional strategy. (Casteel, Narkawicz, 2007)  Students who are more actively engaged in the work are more likely to retain what they have learned.

Ways to Use in the Classroom

Foldables can be a fun way to organize information.  They can be used as individual activities or attached within a journal or spiral notebook.  Placing many foldables together into one area, such as a file folder, is a good option for units of study or related content.  

I found some good examples of foldables that you can replicate in your classroom! Remember to check out the step by step file at the end of this post. :.) Happy teaching!

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