1. A to Z book
2. Children’s book
3. Puppet show
4. Dramatic performance
5. Speech
6. Dramatic monologue
7. Create a character’s theme song
8. Create a CD soundtrack to the book
10. Web page
11. Diorama
13. Cereal box teaser
14. Poster
15. Simulation
16. Role play
17. Talk show
18. Taped radio broadcast
19. Book report
20. Newsletter
21. Newspaper
22. Character diary
23. Dodecahedron
24. Reading journal
25. Brochure
26. Travel brochure
27. Advertisement
28. Letter to the author
29. Movie poster for the book
30. Video montage book teaser
31. Quotable quotes
32. Life lessons booklet
33. Create a web page
34. Create a web quest
35. Write a review
36. Write an on-line review
37. Write an interview with the main character
38. Poetic connections essay
39. Rewrite the book as poetry
40. Rewrite the ending of the book
41. Add a chapter
42. Create a comic book
43. Create a photo essay
44. Book report sandwiches
45. Write a character’s resume
46. Research report on a topic from the book
47. Create a map
48. Create a game
49. Make up a test
50. Rewrite from alternative viewpoint
51. Write an analysis of the theme
52. Write an analysis tracing motifs
53. Write a character analysis
54. Review criticism of the book and synthesize it
55. Create a sculpture of a character or event
56. Set a scene in the book to music
57. Create a tile mosaic of a scene
58. Create a wall hanging of a scene or character
59. Create a “fake” stained glass window of a scene
60. Create a hyper-card stack about the book
62. Write a short story about a character
63. Create a bulletin board
64. Write the first chapter to the sequel
66. Create a series of word puzzles
67. Create a book postcard advertising the book
68. Timeline
69. “I Am” poem collection
70. Book flip chart
71. Paper bag book report
72. Create an animation
73. Create a found poem from a passage in the book
74. Be the editor! Rewrite the weakest chapter
75. Create illustrations for the book
76. Hold a mock trial
77. Hello? Telephone drama
78. Literary map of the author’s works and life
79. Group performance
80. Create a book quilt
81. Construct a model from the story (building, etc.)
82. Host a tasting! Cook food from the book
83. Impersonate a character
84. Create batik designs with wax, old sheets, dye
85. Create a book mobile or wind chime
86. Bring it to life! Make life-size models
87. Make a soap carving
88. Create a charades game
89. Create a Pictionary game about the book
90. Make a new book jacket
91. Write a parody of the book
92. Create a collage
93. Create a painting of a character or scene
94. Create a scrapbook or a memory box for a character
95. Do a Book Talk
96. Create a radio book review
97. Create a sales talk for the book
98. Compare the book to another you have read
99. Create a “Saturday Night Live” spot for the book
100. Create a music video for the book
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